why sun just released their first sleep noise single 'Eastern Love' which got picked up by Bizarre magazine in the UK.
Have a read here about their alternative sleepy noise, lo-fi indie recorded at the studio.
The musicblog has good things to say about the release by the Copenhagen-based musicians who recently spent time in Aarhus recording this little jewel.
Cereal & Sounds also covered this track on their site, where they talk about whats good to listen to while eating various kinds of cereal - funny and chill concept. Here's the link to that article:
We try to bring you most of the features that our artists get on music blogs across the world. This is all part of trying to get more great alternative bands to reach more people. We hope that it helps. If you play in a band or are an independent artist, do get in touch as we also have a collaborative promotion team who helps band and musicians get their music out there.
Danish version below
Why Sun har netop udgivet deres første støj single 'Eastern Love', som blev samlet op af britiske Bizarre magazine.
Læs her om deres alternative sleep-noise, lo-fi indie, som er optaget her i Tapetowns lydstudie.
Musikbloggen har gode ting at sige om udgivelsen af de københavnsk-baserede musikere, der for nylig tilbragte tid i Aarhus ofr at indspille denne fantastiske single.
Morgenmads-enthusiasterne hos 'Cereal Sounds' dækkede også dette nummer på deres blog, hvor de taler om, hvad der er godt at lytte til mens man spiser forskellige former for morgenmad - sjovt og behageligt koncept.
Vi forsøger at bringe dig de fleste af de features og anmeldelser som vores kunstnere bliver featured i over hele verden. Dette er en del af forsøget på at få flere gode alternative bands til at nå flere mennesker. Vi håber, at det hjælper. Hvis du spiller i et band eller er en uafhængig kunstner, skal du endelig skrive til os, da vi også har et hold, som hjælper bands og musikerne med at få deres musik godt ud til verdenen.