The indie/alternative rock band - hailing from Aalborg now scattered across the rest of Denmark, just released their first single in front of their EP release later this year.
The music blog Come Here Floyd was one of the first sites to pick it up and receive it well, you can read the full article/review right here:
A quote from the write-up says
"Catchy licks and fuzz capture your senses with outstanding performances"
The band have been around for some time but these new songs sets them on an interesting course. Live in concert it works great too, and everyone coming to a show should be able to leave feeling like they spent their time well.
Even though its probably most easy to label this as indie-rock, there's some qualities to it that makes it more alternative, but the pop road. There's electronic elements in it as well, not too many, very subtle.
Probably the safest way to go is just with 'indie', it is after all one of those genres that sums up a lot of other genres, so it's hard to completely miss the target in this case.
The single is currently the only of the new songs out and it looks like more music blogs will be picking up the song as Hi,how Are You are taking care of the promotion for the release.
And as a last thing - here is the single on spotify:
Take care & have a wonderful sunday,
Danish below:
Aztek fra Aalborg - nu spredt over resten af Danmark, har lige udgivet deres første single forud for deres EP udgivelse senere i år.
Musikbloggen Come Here Floyd var en af de første hjemmesider til at samle den op og tage godt imod den.
Bandet har eksisteret i nogen tid, men disse nye sange sætter en spændende ny kurs. Live virker det også, og alle der kommer til en koncert bør kunne gå derfra med følelsen af at de har brugt deres tid godt.
Singlen er i øjeblikket den eneste af de nye sange ud og det ser ud til at flere musikbloggere har tænkt sig at samle sangen op.