In collaboration with SPOT Festival and Tapetown, RECession Festival is hosting a day-party in the centre of Aarhus and will be presenting the bands: Twin Dive, Catch The Breeze, Ryk and Phosphor Kid.
Friday May 3 at Klostertorv there will be the opportunity to get a taste of the ultimate underground music from Denmark. These 4 bands, all of which are part of the Tapetown Community. A community created by bands who have recorded in the studio.
Are you ready for a pleasant afternoon in the sun with tones of Dreampop, Shoegaze and Alt-Rock - yes? then this is where you have to spend your afternoon.
➤ Twin Dive (DK)
The trio Twin Dive released their new single "Joy Will Follow" with a energetic music video that was immediately picked up by the foreign music press. "Twin Dive's music is cosmopolitan in spirit and feels full-fledged and ready for the best rock clubs in Europe", US music-site Captured Howls wrote about the recorded single.
Wide spherical sound surfaces are contrasted by tight interaction between drums and bass. In the middle of all the sound is singer Aage Kinch's deep baritone, which conveys poetic and pictorial texts. The debut album 'Glow' was released in 2018. Radio stations such as Part Time Punks, DKFM Shoegaze Radio in L.A, and P6 Beat from DR radio, have all played singles from the album, where the band was said to have mastered recording the genres of shoegaze and dreampop.
Ryk (DK)
With roots in Post Punk and 1990's shoegaze this music takes you on a journey through many mood. It has a solid foundation of guitar, drums, bass and very enigmatic vocals. Ryk really builds up the noise, the weight of the entire sound grows with added melancholy turmoil - until they end it all in an uncontrollable collaps. The band has a way of mixing musical genres up within a narrow field that creates a sincere intensity which allows for improvisation, lots of emotion and raw instincts to hamonize throughout their concerts.
Phosphor Kid (DK)
The band's guitar-driven sound is inspired by the 90's alternative rock scene. Adding a good deal of Scandinavian melancholy, it all morphs into cool dream-pop, which in a very reclining and dreamy way could be a hybrid of Real Estate and Beach House. The band cultivates the understated and the magic of the repetitive, which makes you feel like roadtripping through America with these nice indie songs on the radio.
About RECession Festival
Since its birth in 2000, RECession Festival has presented the people of Aarhus with more than 600 bands and artists within the alternative genres - both the genre's absolute top artists as well as upcoming bands. Among some of these are Trentemøller, Marc Almond, Einsturzende Neubauten, Spiritualized, The Fall, Blue Foundation and The Underworld.
Also find the event through our facebook page:
Danish version below
RECession Festival inviterer til Dayparty på Klostertorv, fredag d. 3 maj.
I samarbejde med SPOT Festival og Tapetown præsenterer RECession Festival Twin Dive, Catch The Breeze, Rýk og Phosphor Kid.
Fredag d. 3. maj på Klostertorv vil der være mulighed for at få en smagsprøve på det ypperste undergrundmusik, med klart internationalt snit. Der er tale om 4 bands, der alle er en del af Tapetown Community. Et Community skabt af bands der har indspillet i studiet.
Er du klar til en hyggelig eftermiddag i solen med toner af Dreampop, Shoegaze og Alt-Rock i ørene, ja, så er det her, du skal sætte dit kryds i kalenderen.
➤ Twin Dive (DK)
Trioen Twin Dive, smed i marts deres nye single “Joy Will Follow” på gaden med en inciterende musikvideo, der straks blev samlet op af den udenlandske musikpresse. “Twin Dive’s musik er kosmopolitisk i ånd og føles fuldbårent og klar til de bedste rocklubber i Europa” skrev for eksempel amerikanske Captured Howls.
➤ Catch The Breeze (DK)
Brede sfæriske klangflader kontrasteres af stramt og medrivende samspil mellem trommer og bas. I centrum står sanger Aage Kinchs dybe baryton, der formidler poetiske og billedskabende tekster. Debut-albummet Glow udkom i marts 2018. Radiostationer som Part Time Punks, DKFM Shoegaze Radio i L.A, og P6 Beat har spillet singler fra albummet, hvor bandet mestrer genrerne shoegaze og dreampop.
➤ Rýk (DK)
Med rødder i Post Punk og 1990’er shoegaze, frembryder stemninger med fundament af guitar, trommer, bas og blæs. Rýk anfører støjen, tyngden i lyden, og den melankolske uro - indtil disse ender ukontrollerbare. Bandet har et sammenspil der skaber en oprigtig intensitet, der lader improvisation, vilje og instinkt være fremdrift for deres koncerter.
➤ Phosphor Kid (DK)
Bandets guitardrevne lyd er inspireret af 90’ernes alternative rockscene. Tilføjet en god portion skandinavisk melankoli, ender det i en cool dreampop, som på tilbagelænet og drømmende vis kunne være en hybrid mellem Real Estate og Beach House. Bandet dyrker det underspillede og magien i det repetitive, som fører tankerne ud på de amerikanske landeveje.
Om RECession Festival
RECession Festival har siden sin fødsel i 2000 præsenteret aarhusianerne for flere end 600 navne indenfor alternative genrer – både genrernes absolutte verdensstjerner og upcoming bands. Heriblandt Trentemøller, Marc Almond, Einsturzende Neubauten, Spiritualized, The Fall, Blue Foundation og De Underjordiske m.fl.