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Shoegazers 'Catch the Breeze' gets love in Peru

Writer's picture: TapetownTapetown

Following the release of their album 'Glow', recorded here at the Tapetown recording studio, good reviews and features has poured in from across the world.

The band had a journalist in South America advocate them to multiple of his colleagues, which also spread to Peru, where they were featured in this kind article about their alternative sound and how their songs create emotions

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Efter udgivelsen af ​​deres album 'Glow', der er optaget i Tapetowns lydstudie, er det væltet inde med gode anmeldelser fra musiksider og blogs rundt omkring i verden. Bandet havde en musik-journalist i Sydamerika som fortalte om dem til flere af sine kolleger, hvilket også spredte sig til Peru, som ledte til denne artikel om bandet og deres alternative lyd samt hvordan deres sange skaber følelser når man lytter til musikken.


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